
Was sipping coffee and watching the sun go down today.. the best part of being your own boss is to be to go off and do these small things..

getting back to the sunset, the sun was sinking softly like it was pulling on a old comfortable cashmere pullover, which has been faded with repeated washing... there was no drama in this one unlike the those witnessed a month back..

It seemed like the sun after having used up all it's energies beating down on the city and making everyone sweat through out the day was finally tired and just wanted to cuddle up and sleep.. contrast this to the monsoons when it hardly gets to shine through so at sunset it uses all it's pent up energies to create the most spectacularly dazzling show in the evening, using all the various colours it has at it's disposal.. starting with the golden light, moving to the brilliant orange and then to the the beautiful purple..

each with it's own story..